William Job Sutton

(1892 - 1973)

16th September 1892 Birth Birth registration: Wolverhampton - October, November, December 1892 - 6b 626

The Sutton family were settled in their premises above the shop at 48, High Street, Bilston. The shop was a pork butchers shop.

His father (also called) Henry was aged 37 and his mother Rebecca was 35

There were five sons in the family - no daughters:

They also had a girl living with them as a domestic servant: Mary Edith Oldfield, age 22, from Wolverhampton.

2nd April 1911

His father Henry was aged 47 and his mother Rebecca was 45

There were five sons in the family:

  • Harry age 20
  • William Job age 18
  • Wilfred age 16
  • Sydney age 13
  • Llewellyn age 11

This entry also has Rebecca Louisa Rose Wood living with her maternal Aunt Rebecca's family at the shop in 48, High Street, Bilston in the role of 'servant'. Rebecca (called Louisa) was the daughter of Rebecca's sister Elizabeth.


'Joe' married May Holmes. She was born in Tipton in 1895. She died on 8/10/1966 in Bilston.

They had two children:

Cedric Henry Joseph Sutton - born in 1917 - died in WWII on 12/11/1941 off Malta on HMS Rosabelle

HMS Rosabelle was sunk by the U-boat U374.

The photo above was taken in WW1 when the Rosabelle was pressed into Navy service.

She was again pressed into service in WW2 and was sent to Gibraltar where she was to provide harbour patrol duties, an essential function given the large number of U-boats in the area and the strategic importance of Gibraltar to the Mediterranean convoys and the survival of Malta.

At 04.21 hours on 11 Dec, 1941, the HMS Lady Shirley was hit by one torpedo from U-374, exploded and sank with all hands.

The HMS Rosabelle tried to find the U-boat, but was also torpedoed at 04.42 hours and sank. Of the 33 Oficers and ratings on board 22 were killed and 11 survived.

The U374 was in turn sunk the following year by a submarine, HMS Unbeaten on the 12th Jan 1944.

Barbara Mae Sutton - born 19/11/1930 in Bilston - died 10/07/1980

    William Job liked to be called 'Joe'
1973 Death Death Registration in 1973 (July, August, September) in Wolverhampton- 9b 2018
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