UK Census Data |
Regular national censuses have taken place in the United Kingdom nearly every ten years since 1801. The first four censuses (1801–1831) were mainly statistical - mainly headcounts, with virtually no personal information, therefore they are of little value to those interested in tracing their ancestors. The 1841 Census was the first to intentionally record names, ages and occupations of all individuals in a household or institution on a particular night. Because of the disruption caused by the Second World War, there was no census in 1941. However, following the passage into law on 5 September 1939 of the National Registration Act 1939, a population count was carried out on 29 September 1939. The resulting National Register was later used to develop the NHS Central Register. Censuses were taken on in Great Britain, but the returns for England and Wales were destroyed in an accidental fire during the Second World War. The 100 Year Rule means that Census data is not released to the public for 100 years after the date it was collected.
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